Accessibility Trainer
Mark English
President & Founder of E&A Team
Fair Housing Trainer
Scott Moore
Attorney, Baird Holm, LP
$250 Per Person. Register Online
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Mark will cover an Overview of Section 504, ADA and Fair Housing Accessibility requirements along with preventative ways property management and maintenance persons can be proactive in their day to day purchasing of applicances and handling general maintenance orders that could affect accessibility.
Scott will cover:
• What Fair Housing Laws Apply to My Property and Who is Protected
• Applicant Screening and the Fair Housing Obstacle Course
• Fair Housing Testing and How the Wrong word can put you in hot water
• Reasonable Accommodation
• Animals as a Reasonable Accommodation: Understanding Services, Support and Unique Animals
• 2022 VAWA Amendments and how the tenant now has the right to file a complaint and recover damages
• Sexual orientation/gender identity descrimination
• Fair Housing Harassment /Hostile environment
• Criminal background screening (how to develop a policy
• Medical marijuana use in housing
• Recent fair housing decisions and settlements and how they impact property management
• What your staff needs to know about HOTMA and more!
exclusively for members of Alabama Affordable Housing Association